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Prompts Library



What should we be asking as Agents?

1st, Create me a buyer persona for this [Specific Market and Price point]

2nd, [Display in a table format.]
Create a calendar of 15 days of content post to solve these [Challenges & Pain Points]. Elevate the [Key Messages & Value Propositions]. Make a daily post for 1 month of (Place each of these in their own column); [Hook title, full value add copy of a minimum of 160 characters, image recommendation and 10+ hashtags to reach the buyer persona directly.]


Action Plan For Anyone

Create a calendar for each day of the month [ Monday - Friday] for [4 weeks] with a quote I can give to help motivate [Buyers to buy a home].



Please act as a CHATGPT4 Expert. Please provide a list of emotions that you can write in using ChatGPT4.


Quotes Of The Day

Create a calendar for each day of the month [ Monday - Friday] for [4 weeks] with a quote I can give to help motivate [Buyers to buy a home].


Business Plan

"Please act as a top [Real Estate Coach for top Realtors in the US].

Please provide a comprehensive business plan to achieve the following tasks: [Close 25 transaction with 13 being listings and 12 being buyers, Increase brand awareness to 1000 people, recruit 7 new agents to my team.]

The tone should be [Professional and Positive] with a how to guidance of a step-by-step process.

Please provide this information in 2 different ways. First a summery and outline of all goals and tasks. Second create a comprehensive expansion of all details needed in each section and the micro tasks needed to achieve each goal.

Provide one section at a time and stop and ask me to tell you to continue."


What Is Your Dream Client - Video or Social Media

Developing a comprehensive profile for our target audience, we have an [affluent luxury] buyer based in [Specific Area]. This discerning buyer specifically requires a spacious residence boasting a minimum of X bedrooms and X bathrooms. In addition, their priorities include proximity to reputable schools, a property built no earlier than [X Year], and the availability of a [X car garage]. To gain a deeper understanding of this audience, let's explore their expanded review, wants, hopes, fears, concerns, and potential areas that would align with their buyer profile.


AI-Generated Blog Posts: Step 1

As a Realtor based in the vibrant [X area], I need your expert assistance in crafting a compelling list of blog post topics. These topics should not only entice potential buyers and sellers to read the content, but also incorporate current and engaging activities to encourage further engagement after they've consumed the information. Your expertise in generating high-quality prompts will be instrumental in driving interest and fostering meaningful interactions with my target audience. Let's collaborate to create a captivating blog post list that showcases the best of [X Local Area] real estate market and nurtures lasting connections with readers.
Please provide them in a chart form.


AI-Generated Blog Posts: Step 2

Using Blog Post Topic 1, Please write the compelling blog post of no less the 650 words using the Target Audience, Highlights and CTA.
My information to interdict is -
Name - [ ]
Company - [ ]
Email - [ ]
Phone - [ ]
Website - [ ]
Don't say the following in the post - [blog post]


Blog Post - Advanced SEO Step

Please give me [5] keywords, Meta Description, [10] Meta Tags to use for SEO mastery for the above blog post that will are focused on reaching a [desired reader].
Also, please provide a compelling [140] character description for this blogpost to encourage the [Audience] will click to read. Suggest the most compelling Title Tag for social sharing and an optimized URL slug.


Calendar Of Special Holidays

Create a calendar of each day of the month with the special, and silly holidays in [ "August' ] . Ensure there is a holiday found for each day. Give a post copy, image recommendation, 15 hashtags and best time to post on each social media.


Social Media Calendar

Please act as a Social Media Influencer working on behalf of [The Brand or You] a real estate [team, agent or broker] with [company] and that [focus on bringing education, support, and guidance to every Seller, Buyer and investor looking to make a move in todays real estate market].
Please provide a one month social media plan that will repeated every 2 weeks, 14 posts a week including 8 reels and 6 in person post topics.
Please include a topic suggestion, Copy for the scrip and the post, 15 Hash Tags related to the content, and image recommendations. Also, use the emotions of [personal stories, facts, quotes, and friendly] structure throughout.
Please use a table guide format and make sure it is in a 6 day layout per week.


MLS Description

Please act as a copy writer for a top real estate broker in [ Your City or State].
Write a property description using the following property information below.
Use local area details, hotspot's and schools.
Write no more than [1000 charters].
Use the emotion of [Optimistic and friendly] Please us the audience of [Buyer profile type].
Use the tone of [This is a.... (Add in the key words you want to use).] Please do not use the words “Family, Families of age related comments".
Property info to use: [ MLS info ]


MLS Description GPT4

Act as a top [luxury] Realtor in [Specific Area]. Create a property description from this website [https://www. .com]
The home has X bedrooms, X baths, features in the home you want to spotlight.


Generated Daily Success Planner

1st, Create me a top producer Realtor who closes [X amount of closings per year] persona for this [Specific Market and Price Point]

2nd, Using this persona: Act as their real estate coach and help this agent achieve their goals in the real estate industry. The agent you are coaching has been in the business for 10 years and is ready to grow. Use these details to help create the plan: Closing Number - 80 a year Target closing number is - 7 a month Work Monday - Saturday with Sundays off. Include detail descriptions and suggestions on the How-To Achieve these goals. Break it down to a weekly accountability and make sure that this can be archived in under 60 days. Be very specific on what they need to do for homework and activities to achieve these goals.


AI-Curated Social Media Content

Create a 20 Social media post to reach buyers in [Specific Market and Price Point] that are looking to make a move in the next 60 days.
In chart format Include the following:
- A Hook
- Full minimum of 160 character copy for [reels for instagram]
- Image recommendations
- Hashtags
- Times too post


AI-Enhanced Newsletter Content

Write a Monthly newsletter to reach my email list of buyers in [Specific Market and Price Point] help them to be encouraged to make a move in the next 60 days or to schedule a consultation to help them plan to buy.
Include the following in the newsletter:
- A Hook Title
- Value information for buyer process, lending, neighborhoods, community, tips/tricks
- Image recommendations
- Reminder to follow us.
My information to interdict is -
Name - [ ]
Company - [ ]
Email - [ ]
Phone - [ ]
Website - [ ]
Don't say the following in the post - [Newsletter]


AI-Powered Email Campaigns

Write a 6 email campaign to reach my email list of buyers in [Specific Market and Price Point] help them to be encouraged to make a move in the next 60 days or to schedule a consultation to help them plan to buy. Using the ADIA Format, with out letting them know I am using the ADIA Format.
My information to interdict is -
Name - [ ]
Company - [ ]
Email - [ ]
Phone - [ ]
Website - [ ]


Canva Bulk

Please create 10 [Inspirational Quotes] for social media posts - The goal is to encourage my ideal clients to engage with my accounts by liking, commenting and sharing my posts with their followers.
Use current events, news and tips for my clients to stay up to date on the real estate industry. Use a fun and excited tone. Provide this in a single row chart.


Plan Engaging and Valuable Video Content

Expand on this client profile and provide me a comprehensive list to ensure my videos will go viral within my advance type. Make sure these video suggestions use the details that will speak to the needs, fears and wants of the profile.

Provide this: In Bullet Point Format
- Suggested Titles
- Hook
- Summary of Topic
- Key Words
Include a 30 day schedule with 1 video every 3 days.


Create Engaging and Valuable Video Content

Create a dynamic script with a [AIDA Format with out letting the audience know] for [Video 1] that is in the following formats:
Short Form:
15 second segments
30 second segments
60 second segments
Long Form:
11 minute segments
21 minute segments


Podcast Creation

Use this profile to create a New Podcast to reach a 10,000 subscriber base in 60 days.

Your task is to reach this audience and discuss there needs, wands, hopes, and wishes for Selling, buying or investing.

You will create a schedule of Podcasts that will include the top rated podcast styles and topics to encourage followers to engage and follow.
Host name - [ ]
Company - [ ]

You will start with this script outline and grow from there.

intro to the podcast
over view of [ ]
over view of [ ]

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